Florian Gallier

Strategic Partnerships Manager


Florian Gallier is the strategic partnerships manager at Mo-Sys, one of the leading innovators in virtual production technology. He is a previous speaker at TEDx, BSC, RTS, Cannes and Production Forum in Paris, and a recipient of a Royal Television Society award nomination. Gallier forges collaborative partnerships to advance virtual production technology, enabling greater access to this transformative content creation process that is delivering new levels of creative freedom and flexibility to filmmakers worldwide.

He constantly searches for firms and innovators to partner with, from within the film industry and beyond, as Mo-Sys continues to develop new VP technologies and techniques that also enhance the efficiency and sustainability of filmmaking, reducing the carbon emissions and resource consumption associated with traditional shoots.

Mo-Sys also engages with the filmmakers of tomorrow through its Mo-Sys Academy, creating unique training programs, partnering with academic institutions and supporting students to access this rapidly evolving technology.

Gallier has also fostered relationships with many contemporary filmmakers and creatives, supporting their work with virtual production tools to complete projects such as The Contractor, guiding them on the best implementations of these transformative technologies and workflows.

Featured in: Lunch and Wow